Production of Health & Safety files
When is the file created or updated
Early on in the construction project the CDM Co-ordinator will discuss the Health and Safety File with the client. This will
help determine what information the client requires and how the client wishes the information to be stored and recorded.
How is the File updated
Significant risks to health and safety identified in the building must be documented to either the CDM Co-ordinator or to
the Principal Contractor. Health and safety information is often stored on drawings. A better solution is to store this
information via a website in a database on the internet, where it can be simply updated. Software solutions such as Edocuments
WorkFlow offer the Client and contractor this type of solution. The Principal Contractor shall need to obtain details of
services, plant and equipment which form part of the structure from the mechanical and electrical contractors, and specialist
suppliers and installers. These operating and maintenance manuals ‘as built’ and ‘as installed’ drawings, are passed from
the Contractors to the Principal Contractor, who in turn has to pass it to the CDM Co-ordinator. At the end of the project
the CDM Co-ordinator must hand over the Health and Safety File to the client.
How the information is to be collected, presented and stored
The CDM Co-ordinator details in the Pre-construction Information the requirements on how and when the information for the
Health and Safety File is to be prepared and passed on. The Principal Contractor includes similar procedures in the Construction
Phase Health and Safety plan.
Electronic health and safety files
The electronic version of the Health and Safety File is designed to alleviate the inherent problems associated with paper
based technical documents. Drawings, manufacturer’s literature, certificates and other specialist data are all included
electronically. The documents once created provide a replica of the paper documents in an easily stored, accessed, and secure
format. For ease of use the familiarity, structure and layout of the paper document is retained.
Database and data driven health and safety files
Coherent structure which contains all essential information elements, minimising repetitive and duplicate information. Edocuments
"software as a service" (SAAS) WorkFlow offers a highly searchable and simple to update on-line application.